Email Subjects That Sell: How to Get Your Emails Opened and Read

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach out to your customers and prospects. But with so many emails flooding people’s inboxes every day, how do you make sure your email stands out and gets opened?

The answer lies in your email subject line. It’s the first thing people see when they receive your email, and it’s what determines whether they’ll open it or not. A good subject line can make all the difference between your email getting deleted or your message gets read.

In this article, we’ll go over some email subjects that sell and help you boost your open rates.

Keep it short and sweet

A desktop with a mail icon
Keep an email short and sweet

The first rule of email subject lines is to keep them short and sweet. People have short attention spans, and you only have a few seconds to capture their attention. Make sure your subject line is no longer than 50 characters, so it fits in most email clients.

Short and sweet email subject lines that sell

Limited time offer: 50% off everything

Don’t miss out on our new product launch

Last chance to save on your purchase

Exclusive invitation: VIP access to our event

You’re invited! Join us for our webinar

Use numbers and statistics

Get your emails opened

Numbers and statistics are a great way to make your subject line stand out and grab attention. They also make your email more tangible and specific, which can increase your credibility and persuade people to open your email.

10 reasons why our product is the best

Get 50% more leads with our new strategy

Increase your revenue by 25% with this one tip

3 easy steps to improve your productivity

How we helped 1000+ customers reach their goals

Create sense of urgency

Creating urgency is a powerful way to persuade people to take action and open your email. By using urgent language in your subject line, you can create a sense of scarcity and make people feel like they need to act fast.

Limited time offer: Buy one, get one free

Only a few spots left: Register for our event

Don’t wait! Sale ends tonight

Urgent reminder: Your subscription is expiring

Last chance to grab our best deal of the year

Ask a question

Asking a question in your subject line can pique people’s curiosity and make them want to learn more. It’s a great way to start a conversation and engage with your audience.

What’s your biggest marketing challenge?

Have you tried our new feature yet?

Do you want to boost your sales this quarter?

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

How can we help you achieve your goals?

Use humor and wit

Humor and wit are great ways to stand out in people’s inboxes and make them smile. They also make your brand more approachable and likable, which can increase your open rates and engagement.

We miss you! (And we’re not just saying that)

Our product is cooler than your boss

Feeling stressed? We’ve got your back

Get your coffee fix without leaving your desk

Don’t be shy, open this email

Personalize subject lines

Personalizing your subject line is a great way to make people feel special and valued. By using their name or other personal information, you can create a connection and increase your open rates.

[First Name], don’t miss out on our latest offer

Happy Birthday, [First Name]! Enjoy a special gift from us

[Company Name], here’s how we can help you save time and money

[First Name], we think you’ll love our new product

[Name], join us for our event in your area

Use emojis

Emojis are a great way to add personality and visual appeal to your subject line. They can also make your email stand out in a sea of text and increase your open rates.

🎉 It’s party time! Join us for our anniversary celebration

🚀 Blast off with our new product launch

🤑 Don’t miss out on our biggest sale of the year

🌟 You’re a star! Here’s a special offer just for you

🍔 Hungry? Order now and get free delivery 🚚

Make a promise

Making a promise in your subject line can create anticipation and excitement. It’s a way to give people a sneak peek of what’s inside and make them want to open your email.

Get ready to be amazed: Our new product is here

Unlock the secret to success with our free guide

Discover the hidden gem in your neighborhood

Be the first to know: Our big announcement is coming

You won’t believe what we have in store for you

Writing an effective email subject line takes time and effort, but it’s worth it if you want to increase your open rates and engagement. By following these tips and using some of the examples we provided, you’ll be able to create subject lines that sell and get your emails noticed.

Remember to keep it short and sweet, use numbers and statistics, create urgency, ask a question, use humor and wit, personalize your subject line, use emojis, and make a promise. With these strategies, you’ll be able to craft subject lines that grab attention and persuade people to take action.

So go ahead, give it a try, and watch your open rates roar!

Why Personalization is the Key to B2B Outbound Sales Success

The world of B2B outbound sales is constantly evolving, and as sales teams adapt to new technologies and communication channels, one thing remains crystal clear: personalization is the key to success, and the ability to connect with prospects in a meaningful way is more important than ever.

But what exactly is personalization, and how can it be used to unlock greater success in your outbound sales efforts? In this post, we’ll explore the power of personalization and provide you with the tools and strategies needed to implement it effectively.

By creating tailored solutions that speak to the unique needs and challenges of your prospects, you can establish trust, build credibility, and create a lasting impression that sets you apart from the competition. So, let’s dive in and discover why personalization is crucial for B2B outbound sales success and how you can use it to take your sales game to the next level. Are you ready to make a lasting impact? Let’s go!

The Importance of Personalization in B2B Outbound Sales

The importance of personalization

The days of generic, one-size-fits-all sales pitches are long gone. Today’s B2B buyers are looking for personalized solutions that meet their specific needs and challenges. Consumers are more likely to buy from brands that provide personalized offers and recommendations. This trend extends to B2B sales as well. Buyers want to feel understood and valued, and personalization is the key to making that happen.

But personalization isn’t just about making buyers feel good. It also has a measurable impact on sales results. 72% of marketers believe personalization makes a difference in effective email campaigns. Personalized subject lines have an open rate 62% higher than the average. 

How to Implement Personalization in B2B Outbound Sales

So, how can you implement personalization effectively in your B2B outbound sales efforts? Here are a few tips to get you started:

Do Your Research

Before you reach out to a prospect, take the time to do some research and learn as much as you can about them. Look for information on their company, their industry, and their specific needs and challenges. Use this information to tailor your messaging and offer a personalized solution that speaks directly to their needs.

Use Dynamic Content

Dynamic content allows you to personalize your messaging based on the recipient’s behavior and interests. For example, you could use dynamic content to show different messaging or offers to prospects who have previously visited your website or engaged with your brand in some way. This helps to create a more personalized experience for the prospect and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Leverage Technology

There are a number of tools and technologies available that can help you to personalize your outbound sales efforts. For example, marketing automation platforms can be used to send personalized emails and track prospect behavior, while sales enablement tools can help sales reps to deliver personalized content and messaging to prospects.

Focus on the Relationship

Personalization isn’t just about delivering a personalized message or offer. It’s also about building a relationship with the prospect. Take the time to understand their needs and challenges, and be responsive and helpful throughout the sales process. This will help to build trust and credibility with the prospect and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Measure Your Results

As with any sales strategy, it’s important to measure your results and track your progress over time. Use metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to evaluate the effectiveness of your personalization efforts and make adjustments as needed.

In a highly competitive B2B outbound sales landscape, personalization is the secret sauce that sets successful sales teams apart from the rest. Buyers are bombarded with generic sales pitches every day, and in order to stand out, you need to provide a personalized solution that resonates with their specific needs and challenges.

By following the tips outlined in this post, you can implement personalization in your outbound sales efforts and achieve greater success. 
So, the next time you’re crafting an outbound sales message, remember the power of personalization. Take the time to research and understand your prospects’ needs and challenges, and use that information to deliver a personalized solution that speaks directly to them. With the right approach, you can create a lasting impression that leads to greater success in your B2B outbound sales efforts.

How to attract more clients by cold calling?

Are you struggling to attract new clients through cold calling? You’re not alone. Cold calling can be a challenging way to generate leads and grow your business, but it’s still a valuable tool for many businesses. In fact, according to studies, telemarketing and cold calling are still the second most effective ways to generate leads, behind only email marketing.

But how can you make your cold-calling efforts more effective? How can you increase the number of clients you attract through this method? Here are some tips to help you improve your cold-calling strategy:

Research your prospects

A man on a sofa with a laptop on his lap
Define your ICP

Before you start calling potential clients, take some time to research them. For example, if you’re selling a software product to small businesses, you might research a prospect’s website and social media profiles to see what tools they’re currently using. This could give you insights into their pain points and the gaps in their current technology stack that your product could fill.

Develop a strong opening

Develop a strong opening

The first few seconds of your cold call are crucial. If you don’t capture your prospect’s attention immediately, they’re likely to hang up or tune you out. Develop a strong opening that hooks them in and makes them want to listen. This could be a surprising statistic, a question that piques their interest, or a bold statement that challenges their assumptions. Whatever it is, make sure it’s relevant to their business and demonstrates your value.

Here’s an example of a strong opening for a cold call

“Hi, [name], I’ve noticed that your business has been growing rapidly over the past few years. Congratulations on your success! I work with a lot of businesses in similar industries, and I’ve found that many of them struggle with [common pain point]. I was wondering if that’s something you’ve experienced, and if so, I might have a solution that could help.”

This opening is personalized, demonstrates empathy, and offers value right off the bat.

Keep it conversational

One mistake many people make when cold calling is to sound too scripted or robotic. This can turn off prospects and make it difficult to build a connection. Instead, aim to keep your conversation as natural and conversational as possible. Ask questions, listen to their responses, and engage in a dialogue. This will help you build rapport and establish trust, which are essential for closing deals.

Here’s an example of a conversational exchange during a cold call:

You: “[prospect name], wondering what are the biggest challenges you’re facing with [specific pain point]?”

Prospect: “Well, we’re having trouble with [specific issue]. It’s been really frustrating trying to find a solution.”

You: “I can imagine that must be tough. Have you tried [solution] before? I’ve seen that work really well for other businesses in your industry.”

This type of back-and-forth shows that you’re listening, empathetic and knowledgeable about their industry.

Focus on benefits, not features

When you’re pitching your product or service, it’s easy to get caught up in the features and technical details. But prospects don’t care about those things – they care about how your offering can help them solve their problems and achieve their goals. Make sure you focus on the benefits of your product or service, and how it can make their life easier or their business more successful. This will help them see the value in what you’re offering and make them more likely to work with you.

Here’s an example of focusing on benefits instead of features:

Instead, “Our software has a lot of advanced features that will make your life easier,” try this approach, “With our software, you’ll be able to save hours of time each week by automating [specific tasks]. This will free up your team to focus on more high-value work and help you grow your business faster.”

This approach focuses on the tangible benefits that your product can provide, rather than just listing off technical details.

Follow up

Cold calling is rarely a one-and-done process. Even if you don’t close the deal on the first call, there’s still a chance to convert the prospect later on. That’s why it’s important to follow up with them after the initial conversation. Send them a personalized email, add them to your mailing list, or connect with them on LinkedIn. This will keep you top of mind and give them a chance to learn more about your business and what you can offer.

Let’s say you’re a digital marketing agency selling your SEO services to a potential client. Instead of saying “We provide keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlink building,” you could say:

“Struggling to get your website to rank higher in search engine results? Our SEO services can help you achieve that by identifying the best keywords for your business and optimizing your website to meet search engine criteria. This will ultimately drive more traffic to your website and help you reach your target audience.”

By highlighting the benefits of your services, you’re showing the potential client how you can help solve their problem and achieve their goal.

Track your results

Two pieces of paper and a laptop on a desk
Track your results

Finally, it’s essential to track your cold-calling results so you can identify what’s working and what’s not. Keep track of how many calls you make, how many conversations you have, and how many deals you close. Also, use this data to rectify your approach and improve your results over time.

Let’s say you’re a sales representative for a B2B company and you’re cold-calling potential clients to sell your product. You could track your results by:

  • Making note of the number of calls you make each day.
  • Recording how many conversations you have with decision-makers.
  • Noting the number of deals you close.

Tracking this data can help you realize what’s working and what’s not. For example, if you notice that you’re having more success reaching decision-makers in the morning, you could adjust your schedule to prioritize calling during those hours. By continuously analyzing your results, you can improve your approach and increase your chances of success.

In conclusion, cold calling can be a challenging way to generate leads, but it’s still a valuable tool for many businesses. By researching your prospects, developing a strong opening, keeping it conversational, focusing on benefits, following up, and tracking your results, you can attract more clients through this method and grow your business.

Building a prospect list for a Business Intelligence company – here’s a way to do it faster

Today, I want to talk about something that is crucial for the success of any B2B company – building a prospect list. So, if you’re looking to build a prospect list for your business intelligence company, here’s a way to do it faster.

Before we dive into the topic, let’s first understand what a prospect list is and why it is important. A prospect list is a comprehensive list of potential customers that you can reach out to for your business. This list can include contact information, such as email addresses and phone numbers, as well as other relevant details, such as company size and industry. Having a prospect list is important because it allows you to target your marketing efforts more effectively, which in turn leads to higher conversion rates and ultimately more sales.

So, how do you go about building a prospect list? Here’s a step-by-step process that can help you do it faster:

Step 1: Define your ideal customer profile (prospecting priority)

The first step in building a prospect list is to define your ideal customer profile. This means understanding who your target audience is, what they do, and what their pain points are. You should consider factors such as company size, industry, location, and budget. Once you have a clear understanding of your ideal customer profile, you can start looking for companies that match those criteria.

For example, let’s say your business intelligence company targets mid-sized companies in the healthcare industry. Your ideal customer profile would be a company with 100-500 employees, located in the United States, and with a budget of at least $500,000 for business intelligence solutions.

Step 2: Use online tools to find potential customers (prospecting)

Once you have defined your ideal customer profile, the next step is to use online tools to find potential customers that match those criteria. There are several online tools available that can help you do this quickly and efficiently.

One such tool is LinkedIn Sales Navigator, which allows you to search for potential customers based on specific criteria, such as industry, company size, and location. You can also filter your search results by job title, seniority level, and other relevant factors. Another tool that can be helpful is ZoomInfo, which provides access to a database of over 50 million contacts, along with company information and news.

Step 3: Use data enrichment tools to enhance your prospect list

Laptop with numbers and infographics on the screen
Data enrichment tools

Once you have a list of potential customers, the next step is to use data enrichment tools to enhance your prospect list. These tools can help you fill in missing information, such as email addresses and phone numbers, and provide additional insights into the companies on your list.

One such tool is Clearbit, which can help you enrich your prospect list with data such as company size, industry, and location. Clearbit can also provide contact information, such as email addresses and phone numbers, for the companies on your list. Another tool that can be helpful is Hunter, which can help you find email addresses for specific individuals within a company.

Step 4: Use email automation tools to reach out to potential customers

Once you have a comprehensive prospect list, the next step is to reach out to potential customers. One way to do this quickly and efficiently is to use email automation tools, which allow you to send personalized emails to a large number of people at once.

One such tool is Mailchimp, which allows you to create email campaigns and track their performance. You can also segment your email list based on specific criteria, such as industry or location, and personalize your emails for each segment. Another tool that can be helpful is HubSpot, which provides a suite of marketing automation tools, including email campaigns, lead nurturing, and lead scoring.

Step 5: Follow up with potential customers

After you’ve sent out your initial email campaigns, it’s important to follow up with potential customers who have shown interest in your company. This can help you build relationships with potential customers and increase your chances of closing a sale.

One way to follow up with potential customers is to use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool, such as Salesforce or HubSpot CRM. These tools allow you to track your interactions with potential customers and set reminders for follow-up tasks.

In addition to these steps, there are a few best practices that can help you build a prospect list more efficiently:

Use multiple channels to reach potential customers – don’t rely solely on email. Consider using social media, phone calls, or even direct mail to reach potential customers.

Personalize your communications – use the information you have gathered about potential customers to personalize your communications and make them more relevant to each individual.

Keep your prospect list up-to-date – regularly review and update your prospect list to ensure that it remains accurate and relevant.

Measure your results – track the performance of your prospecting efforts and make adjustments as needed to improve your results.

Find your prospects fast

Building a prospect list is an important step in the sales process for any B2B company, including business intelligence companies. By defining your ideal customer profile, using online tools to find potential customers, using data enrichment tools to enhance your prospect list, and using email automation tools to reach out to potential customers, you can build a prospect list quickly and efficiently. Remember to follow up with potential customers and use best practices to improve your results. Good luck and happy prospecting!

10 tips and tricks for successful messaging

As a sales development representative, your ability to craft compelling messages that grab your prospect’s attention and persuade them to take action is key to your success. With so many messaging platforms and tools at your disposal, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start.

That’s why we’ve compiled 10 actionable tips and tricks for successful messaging that will help you stand out from the competition and drive more sales. From personalization to humor, social proof to urgency, these tips will help you create messages that your prospects can’t ignore. So let’s dive in!

Personalize your message

Dark blue box with in letters
Linkedin messaging

Your prospects are bombarded with generic sales pitches every day. To get noticed, you need to personalize your message and show that you’ve done your research. 

Use tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator or ZoomInfo to gather information on your prospect’s background, company, and industry. Then, use that information to tailor your message to their specific needs and pain points. For example:

Hi [Prospect Name], I noticed that your company just raised a new round of funding. Congratulations! I work with startups like yours to help them scale their sales operations. Based on my research, it looks like you’re currently facing challenges with [specific pain point]. Would love to chat and see if there’s a fit.

Keep it short and sweet

Your prospects are busy people, and they don’t have time to read a long-winded message. Keep your message short and to the point. Use bullet points or numbered lists to make it easy to read. For example:

Hey [Prospect Name],

I wanted to reach out because I noticed that you’re currently using [Competitor’s Product]. While [Competitor’s Product] is a great tool, many of our customers have found that our product is better at [specific benefit]. Here’s why:

Benefit 1, benefit 2, and benefit 3.

Would you be open to a quick call to discuss further?

Be clear and concise

In addition to keeping your message short, it’s important to be clear and concise. Avoid using industry jargon or technical terms that your prospect may not understand. Use simple language that gets straight to the point. For example:

Hi [Prospect Name],

I work with companies like yours to help them increase their revenue by [specific percentage]. Our product is specifically designed to solve the problem of [specific pain point]. Would you be open to a quick call to learn more?

Use a hook to grab their attention

Your prospects receive hundreds of messages every day. To stand out, you need to use a hook that grabs their attention and piques their curiosity. The hook could be a question, a bold statement, or a statistic that’s relevant to their industry. For example:

Hey [Prospect Name],

Did you know that [specific statistics] of [specific industry] companies are currently struggling with [specific pain point]? Our product is specifically designed to solve that problem. Would love to chat and see if it’s a fit for your company.

Focus on benefits, not features

Laptop on a table with a cup of coffee phone notes and a pen
Focus your message on clients` benefits

Your prospects don’t care about the features of your product. They care about the benefits they’ll receive from using it. Focus your message on the specific benefits that your prospect will see. For example:

Hi [Prospect Name],

I noticed that your company is currently struggling with [specific pain point]. Our product has helped companies like yours increase their [specific metric] by [specific percentage]. Would you be open to a quick call to learn more?

Use social proof

Social proof is a powerful persuasion technique. It’s the idea that people are more likely to do something if they see other people doing it. Use social proof in your messaging by referencing satisfied customers or industry leaders who have used your product. For example:

Hey [Prospect Name],

I wanted to reach out and share some success stories from companies like yours who have used our product. For example, [Company Name] was able to increase their [specific metric] by [specific percentage] after using our product. Would you be open to a quick call to learn more?

Create a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is a powerful way to get your prospect to take action. Use phrases like “limited time offer” to motivate your prospect to act quickly. For example:

Hey [Prospect Name],

Our product is currently being offered at a special discount for a limited time. If you’re interested in learning more, let’s schedule a call ASAP to take advantage of this offer.

Use humor (but don’t exaggerate)

Smile marketing

Humor can be a great way to break the ice and make your message more memorable. But use it sparingly, as it can be difficult to get right and may not resonate with everyone. For example:

Hi [Prospect Name],

I promise this isn’t a pickup line, but I couldn’t help noticing that we share a mutual love of [specific hobby or interest]. Any chance you’d be up for chatting about [specific pain point] over coffee (or virtual coffee) sometime?

Some SDRs say they have a lot of success with sending gifs on LinkedIn instead of classic follow up messages. It’s worth trying since everyone likes to laugh and this relaxed approach can melt even the most reserved people. 

Follow up (but don’t be too pushy)

Following up is key to making sure your message doesn’t get lost in your prospect’s inbox. But it’s important to follow up in a way that’s not too pushy or aggressive. Give your prospect a few days to respond before sending a friendly follow-up message. For example:

Hey [Prospect Name],

Just wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to review my last message. If you’re still interested in learning more, I’d be happy to schedule a quick call at your convenience.

Be authentic

Finally, it’s important to be authentic in your messaging. Your prospects can tell when you’re being insincere or overly salesy. Instead, be genuine and show that you care about solving their problems. For example:

Hey [Prospect Name],

I noticed that your company is currently facing challenges with [specific pain point]. I work with companies like yours to help them overcome those challenges and achieve their goals. If you’re interested in learning more, I’d love to schedule a call to discuss further.

In conclusion, successful messaging as an SDR requires personalization, clarity, and a hook that grabs your prospect’s attention. Use social proof, create a sense of urgency, and be authentic to build trust with your prospects. And don’t forget to follow up (but not too aggressively) to make sure your message doesn’t get lost in the noise. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to driving more sales and closing more deals.