6 Effective Strategies for SDRs to Schedule Meetings During the Holidays

The holidays can be a challenging time for sales development representatives (SDRs) to reach out to leads and schedule meetings. With many people taking time off, there may be a lower response rate and a higher likelihood of missed opportunities. However, with the right approach, SDRs can still be successful during the holiday season. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best approaches and effective strategies for SDRs to reach out to leads and schedule meetings during the holidays.

Personalize your outreach

Personalization is always important, but it’s especially crucial during the holidays when people are bombarded with generic marketing messages. SDRs should take the time to research their prospects and find out what their pain points are, what their interests are, and what they’re looking for in a solution. This information can be used to craft personalized messages that will resonate with the prospect and increase the likelihood of a response.

When reaching out to leads during the holidays, SDRs can also personalize their outreach by referencing the holiday season. For example, they could wish the prospect a happy holiday or ask if they have any fun plans for the season. This can help to establish a rapport and make the conversation feel more human and less salesy.

Use multiple channels

While email is often the go-to channel for SDR outreach, it’s important to remember that not everyone checks their email during the holidays. SDRs should consider using multiple channels to reach their prospects, such as phone, LinkedIn, or even direct mail.

When using multiple channels, SDRs should be sure to keep their messaging consistent across all channels. This will help to reinforce their message and increase the likelihood of a response.

A young man sitting looking at the laptop with a lot of stickers on the desk with a hand in his hair.

Leverage the power of social proof

Social proof is a powerful tool in sales, and it can be especially effective during the holidays. SDRs can leverage social proof by sharing success stories, case studies, or testimonials from other clients who have achieved results with their solution. This can help to build credibility and trust with the prospect and increase the likelihood of a response.

When reaching out to leads during the holidays, SDRs can emphasize how their solution can help the prospect achieve their goals or solve a specific pain point. This can help to capture the prospect’s attention and increase the likelihood of a response.

Be persistent but respectful

Persistence is key in sales, but it’s important to balance persistence with respect for the prospect’s time and boundaries. SDRs should follow up with leads multiple times, but they should also respect the prospect’s decision if they’re not interested or if they’re too busy during the holidays.

When following up with leads during the holidays, SDRs can try different approaches, such as sending a holiday card or gift, to stay top of mind without being too pushy.

Keep the conversation going

Once a meeting has been scheduled, it’s important to keep the conversation going. SDRs should follow up with the prospect before the meeting to confirm the time and location, and to remind them of what will be discussed.

During the meeting, SDRs should focus on building rapport and understanding the prospect’s needs. They should be prepared to answer any questions the prospect may have and provide relevant information to help move the conversation forward.

Focus on value, not features

During the holidays, people are busy and may not have the time or patience to listen to a long list of features. SDRs should focus on the value their solution can provide to the prospect, rather than the features of the solution.

After the meeting, SDRs should follow up with the prospect to thank them for their time and to provide any additional information or resources that may be helpful. They should also set a clear next step and follow up in a timely manner.

Overall, the holidays can present a unique challenge for SDRs, but with the right approach, they can still be successful in reaching out to leads and scheduling meetings. 

It’s important to remember that even though the holidays can be a busy time, they’re also a time for building relationships and connecting with people. SDRs who take the time to personalize their outreach and build rapport with their prospects will be more likely to succeed in reaching their goals.

One final tip for SDRs during the holidays is to stay organized and plan ahead. With many people taking time off, it’s important to make sure that all meetings and follow-ups are scheduled in advance and that there’s a clear plan in place for how to keep the conversation going.

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